She continues to improve each day , but for her its going to be a very long hard road, so lots of people praying for her helps so much !As of now she has surgery every other day or every few days so the docs can go in and clean her wound because shes at great risk for infection. Yesterday she had to have her 3rd blood transfusion . Shaylee is also fighting bouts with depression (she is just sad and she says she doesnt know why )but she is a very spunky little girl !!!!!
Prayer warriors...this little girl covets our prayers!!!

UPDATE 7/05/09
Let me just tell you where she is right now medically ! She had Integra ( synthetic tissue )
applied to her skull in early July , the Docs werent sure it would take , but it took off doing its thing and everything went just like they had anticipated (prayers answered ) , they gave it a few weeks to make sure , kept a very close check on it ! Next they did skin graphs , they took skin off her upper thighs on both of her legs and covered the integra , they gave it a few days , took her back into surgery to check the graphs , they were hoping for atleast 80% sucess of her graphs because that would mean she could take her wound vac off and they said 100 % would be *the pie in the sky* , and of course Shaylees graphs were 100 % , because she is that *pie in the sky* !!! So medically she is doin great , prayers answered !!!!!!!
And as far as Shaylee the sweet little precious girl goes , she has the BEST attitude , she smiles and laughs all the time , rarely complains ( she gets tired of having to do without food and water on surgery days because sometimes its late when they take her :(... but she rides her trike all over the hospital (very fast lol ) even the day she had her skin graphs done , the nurses gave her the option of riding her tricycle to the OR because she proably wouldnt feel like riding it for awhile because of the size of the places where they were taking skin would be so sore and hurt her if she rode but after waking up from surgery and having a bite to eat she took a ride on her tricycle and hasnt missed a day of riding it over all of the sky bridges in the hospital as a matter of fact she usually laps the whole hospital about every hour LOL , she hasnt slowed down a bit !!!! She is truely amazing , shes a big miracle wrapped up in this tiny little body !
Anyway just wanted to say THANK YOU to you and all of the people who pray for Shaylee , she has had so many prayers answered and been through so many hurdles , and of course shes still medically fragile and will have to stay in Dallas after her relase from the hospital for follow up care and many surgeries down the road but for now shes doin great , we couldnt ask for anything more !! She has had WONDERFUL care from all the staff at Childrens Medical Center in Dallas , wow what a GREAT place that is , cant say enough great things about the people there , they have done an amazing job taking care of Shaylee and her family , if you have to be in a hospital , thats the one to be in , such loving caring folks !!!!!!

Lord Jesus I just want to lift this precious little girl Shaylee up to you as she recovers from this horrible injury.. Please comfort her and her family as they try to get through the long road ahead... We praise you Lord Jesus and Thank you for Shaylee....Amen!!!!
ReplyDeleteoh poor little Shaylee! what a beautiful girl! I will lift her up to the Lord right now!
ReplyDeleteMany, many years ago my son was at that same hospital. I am so saddened by what happened to this beautiful child and will continue to PRAY often for her.
ReplyDeleteThis is my cousins daughter. Thank you for posting this. The prayers are appreciated for the entire family!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAll of us at DogsBite.org are praying for Shaylee bug's recovery. Thank you for creating this website and showing parents the seriousness of these injuries. By doing so, you have already helped prevent at least one future serious attack and likely more.
ReplyDeleteSeriuosly? Don't come on this family's page and rant about how it's certain pit bulls that attack and that a child needs to know how to behave....really, so it's this girls fault? Sick! One question, have you ever googled the words PITBULL ATTACKS? Thousands of stories will show you how vicious and uncontrollable these animals are. How can you explain a woman raising a pitbull from a puppy and it turning on her and killing her. Pitbulls have killed MANY ADULTS along with Many children!! I dare you to search pitbull attack wounds. You would be sick! It's not a coincidence that thoudands of pitbulls have attacked humans. How would you feel if your family dog of 8 years snapped and killed your 2 year old son. That happened in Georgia. So don't come on here trying to defend the very monster that did this to this family. Until it happens to your family you have NO IDEA
DeleteIt's hard to see the face of this child. There are so many others who have suffered the same fate and worse from pit bulls. What can you say, what can you do? We work to prevent this from happening again and pray that the Lord is on our side, he has to be. Shaylee, you have friends, you are not alone.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for Shaylee every day since I saw her at Children's. My heart goes out to her, the family, and anyone close to this sweet girl. God is good! She is in His hands. He has a plan for her and makes the best of everything that comes in our paths! Trust Him!!!
ReplyDeleteLord, I pray for the complete healing of Shaylee. May your will be done. Amen
Amanda, thanks for coming to my blog and asking for an update. I just spoke with my mom and there is really no new news. You have everything I know already posted. They are continuing the skin grafts on Shaylee's scalp. They are working somewhat. She is still wearing the Integra on the exposed part of her skull. The doctors are talking about doing the skin grafts as an outpatient process, although that hasn't been fully decided. Please continue your prayers for Shaylee and our whole family. This terrible accident has really been trying on the whole family. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates on these precious children! It is amazing how well Shaylee is doing! She looks like she has an awesome attitude! Will continue praying for that beautiful girl! Erika Allison
ReplyDeleteMy daughter Charlotte was attacked by a pit bull on July 25th along with me my friend and her son. My daughter took the majority of the attack and like Shaylee lost a considerable amount of her scalp and has also had integra over her open portion on her head. It has been just 1 year since the attack and just yesterday we made her next appointment for scalp expansion surgery. She currently has a very Large scar over her head that has no hair. Its all very difficult to deal with as you know but I just want to tell you, there will be bad, bad times, tears, and images that pop up that will haunt you forever...But there will be healing, and laughter, and Shaylee will show you in so many ways that she will move on past all this before you ever will and that in time life will be "normal" again. I believe this and see this with my daughter everyday. She is only 2 1/2yrs old and through it all, in the end, mommy seems more "damaged"! I pray you family and Shaylee will feel the comforting hand of God as I have and that you all will in time be able to look back at all this as just a story. Please feel free to e-mail me at wendy@charlotteblevins.org I would love to share stories and photos and just give eachother hope and maybe change some things who knows. We have a website also charlotteblevins.org that has some info on it. God bless Shaylee and your family. My prayers are with you all!
ReplyDeleteI just read this, and I will pray for Shaylee
ReplyDeleteEven though I'm a little late I know every prayer helps!!! God bless you Shaylee!!! You're so AWESOME!!!!! :) Love you lots!!!!!
Browsing the name Shaylee I came across the first picture of your daughter and I was horrified! What a dreadful ordeal. I read her story and the comments and noticed with a bit of surprise that everyone thanks God and praises the Lord Jesus. With the utmost respect for everybody's religion and believes, I'd tend to also be very greatful to Mother Nature for Shaylee's good health and condition, necessary for her full recovery. Greatful for the love and care that surrounds her, which gives her the strenght to fight and go on. And last but not least, greatful and filled with deep respect for what the doctors have been able to do for her. Prayers alone would not have been enough I assure you. My best wishes to you Shaylee, you are a remarkable and very brave girl. May your life be filled with love and happiness. Greetings from the Netherlands.
ReplyDeleteShe's such a fighter. If she's so strong this young I can't imagine how strong she's going to be later on in life. She's beautiful and it's good to see her smile. :)
ReplyDeleteShe has the same name as me, and you go girl keep fighting. Your a strong girl and dont you ever forget that!
ReplyDeleteShaylee is nothing short of a miracle. She is now a healthy, happy little girl, and has no fear of dogs. She is still undergoing surgeries to repair the damage that was done, but bounces back like a charm. God is good, and has had his hand on her from the start. Keep praying for her and her family. Pray for Shaylee's health and healing, and pray for her family's strength and for their forgiveness of me, for I love them all amd miss them like crazy. Thank you Lord for all that you have done and for your unconditional love and mercy.